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Brent Roth - The Dragon's Wrath: A Virtual Dream Read online

Page 14

  Selecting [Yes] was an obvious result.

  Not long after, I could feel my spirit body being sucked into my physical body as if I was traveling at warp speed. The gray surrounding stretched into lines and then in a moment of darkness I found myself staring up at the foliage above me.

  As I enjoyed the serenity of the beams of light streaking through the breaks in the trees I couldn't help but wonder how long the developers had worked on the death state.

  It was certainly well done after all.

  It was… quite the experience, really.

  After I finished contemplating the death state I rolled to my side and sat on my knees.

  Selene was relaxing against a tree while nonchalantly munching on some of the bear jerky we had made the day before; she certainly took things in stride.

  Standing up and brushing my knees off, I looked around to find all the bodies were still with weapon and armor… I kind of expected Selene to gather them, oh well.

  I walked through the group of bodies to gather everything I could, they didn't have much money on them but I at least had a few hand axes and spears I could sell. I stripped all of their bodies of the fur clothing they were wearing; though some of it was blood stained I could still boil the fur off and re-use the leather hide underneath.

  While collecting the items I had been conversing with Selene, "So, the town has seven warriors left plus the Earl."

  "And yet you still intend to launch an attack, after being reduced to a mauled corpse."


  "Ahem, it was all a part of the plan to ensure your safety."

  "Mm. Appreciated."

  "Anyhow… I'm thinking we wait until night fall in three hours and then attack."

  "Do you think you can actually win?"

  I hesitated for a moment to think about our prospects, and decided it was completely up to chance. "Not sure, the Earl's Champion is quite strong and I'm not sure I could beat him in a one versus one situation."

  Selene didn't seem to share my enthusiasm or my confidence. With a dejected tone she curtly replied, "But you intend to beat him in a one versus seven situation."


  It had to be done, so it would be done. That was my reasoning so far as being outnumbered was concerned. Of course, Selene still was having none of it as she shook her head from side to side in disagreement.

  "Sigh why didn't you bring Kate… she could have helped a lot."

  "I didn't know the situation, didn't want to risk it."

  "Sigh but you want us to launch a surprise attack at sunset in the middle of the town with no way of knowing if the towns people will aide or hinder us… this could get out of hand quickly."

  "Ah don't worry about it ey? I've got a plan of attack!"


  "The wisest words ever spoken right here, 'Attack!'"

  I was laughing at the corny reference but Selene simply shook her head in disagreement.

  At least she didn't make a fuss, she was rather grounded and level-headed and I could appreciate that. I was usually the grounded level-headed guy but if someone else wants to take that role, I'm all for getting a bit silly.

  The next three hours were a bit mundane but I had nothing better to do, so Selene and I sat and chatted, hunted when animals came near, and continued to dry out the rest of the bear meat… nearly a hundred pounds of bear jerky would last far too long.

  At some point near the end of one of our many conversations Selene brought up my actions when we first left, "So, where did you come up with that idea… when the five guys were behind us."

  Fully aware of what she was referencing, I continued to play dumb.


  "You know, your whole act."

  "Oh. It wasn't really an act. I was just using the situation to steal a kiss really."

  I said it so nonchalantly that Selene just sat there motionless for a few minutes as she seemed to be stewing. Rule number something out of my top so and so rules of engagement with a woman: if a girl asks you a serious question and doesn't say anything after you reply and sits or stands there silently, she is angry and will only be getting angrier with you the longer it goes.

  So yeah, remedy that as soon as possible or dip out and don't turn back.

  I chose option number two.

  She could stew by herself, I had hunting to do.

  Chapter 20: Killing the Earl

  (Monday, March 8th Game Day / Saturday, January 23rd Real Day)

  After the sun set the clouds slowly parted to allow a sliver of moonlight directly over the village, as if the moon was directing us towards our destination and illuminating only the necessities. When faced with such pleasantries in life it's best to give thanks but I wasn't sure who I should give thanks to in a situation like this, but I was thankful nonetheless.

  I had already packed all of my belongings into a pack and left it by the campsite; it would only serve to hold me back.

  I slid the sling over my shoulder and looped the rope around the axe-head, holding it loosely in place. It wasn't anything fancy but it worked. Double checking the quiver that was tied around my waist and hanging along my right thigh I counted out fourteen arrows, not very many but I had given twenty-eight to Selene… I figured she could put it to better use.

  With my preliminary check and now my final check complete I was ready to head out.

  Selene followed closely behind me as we made our way in the shadow of the moon, dancing along the border of light and darkness the path that was illuminated before us showed the way.

  With nary a sound we came upon the entrance of the town and found it without a post; there was no sentry or guard. We continued on and crept through the town, holding our breath with every crack of the fire that was burning bright at the center.

  It was too quiet.

  I could make out the shadows of village folk in their homes but it was unusual to think that the entire village would lock themselves up after dark.

  I crouched down even further as I slipped between the huts, ever so slowly closing the distance between the Earl's lodge and my bow.

  As I turned the last corner I came face to face with a warrior stretching his arms in the cold night air.

  He had yet to see me as I had quickly stepped back out of sight, but I could clearly see his white breath condensed like a fog as he breathed in and out.

  I slid my carving knife down and out of the sheath attached to the front of my chest and synchronized my breathing with his.

  I waited until the third exhale then turned the corner and thrust the knife quickly into his throat while covering his mouth.

  As he had fully exhaled he could barely muster a sound as he stumbled to the ground choking on his own blood while wrapped up in my arms.

  I held a hand over his mouth and as I held him still from behind quickly delivered the fatal blow to his heart, causing him to slump over and fall to the ground as I let go.

  If my information was solid there were six men besides the Earl inside that lodge… but information has a tendency to be off and I wasn't confident going forward that there would only be six.

  From behind I saw Selene had drawn her bow and was standing watch behind me; she did what was necessary without being told or asked.

  I could really appreciate that.

  She was starting to grow on me.

  Rolling the body out of sight took but a few seconds and we were back to stalking. Creeping around the lodge I was able to find a crack in the wall that gave me a good view of the interior.

  The Earl and his wives weren't visible in the main room but the six warriors were. The men had gathered around the fire and were sitting with weapons at hand.

  They were expecting trouble.

  I was going to give them trouble.

  Doubling back to where we had stashed the body, I grabbed the deceased warrior and drug him to a corner and leaned him against the wall facing away.

  He would serve as a decoy.

  Next, I d
irected Selene to take position in a corner opposite of the corpse in the shadow of a hut.

  This would serve as the shooting gallery.

  Quietly pushing the door open to the lodge, I returned to my spot just around the corner without a sound. As I gazed through a crack in the wood, I continued to watch as the scene began to unfold.

  The door to the lodge creaked open with the night wind gusting through and licking the fire; the men turned to the darkness and found it staring straight back.

  Voices called out but nothing returned.

  As time passed the men grew weary, impatient, angry, and suspicious. They grasped their weapons as they waited, but they continued to wait.

  Another gust of wind blew through the hall, fanning the flames.

  Soon a man stood up and crept towards the door, his heart beat suddenly pounding.

  Little by little it increased.

  Perspiration dripped down his face as he prepared to take the last step between the door and the outside world; he hesitated.

  Standing at the doorway, the others sat motionless staring out past their brother and into the eternal distance of the darkness.

  The night had been still for some time before the man finally ushered forth a last step, crossing the threshold between safety of the home and the unknown.


  He let out a deep sigh of relief as the tension drained from his face and looked to his left; seeing nothing he turned to his right, spotting his friend's partially obscured back as he leaned against the wall.

  Ah, he thought to himself.

  The man turned and made his way towards his friend's back, extending his arm to grab his buddy's shoulder.

  Standing flat against the wall, I had my axe drawn and dangling at my knee. The corpse of the man I killed before being held up by my left arm had grown heavy, but it was only for another moment.

  As the warrior reached his arm out and grasped the dead man's shoulder I brought my left arm to bear the handle of the axe and shifted my right hand up towards the top of the shaft.

  With a fluid movement I lifted my left heel off the ground as I twisted my right leg forward and swung the axe around the corner.

  With my right hand sliding back down, momentum carried me around with the axe as I made contact into the chest of the man now standing before me.

  His eyes widened in confusion as he tried to comprehend the situation, mouth agape and his outstretched hand grasping, grasping for something, grasping for anything.

  I locked eyes with him as he fell to his knees.

  His hand finally grasping the handle of the axe embedded deep into his chest.

  He was already dead.

  Pulling the axe-head out of the man's chest I drew my bow and made my way to the doorway, signaling for Selene to do the same.

  Since the rats wanted to stay in their hole there was a change of venue, the shooting gallery was being relocated.

  With Selene at the right side of the doorway and me at the left side, I extended my index, middle, and ring finger out to resemble a three-count.

  I then closed my fist then extended my index, then the middle, and lastly the ring finger.

  A second later the two of us had turned out into the doorway with bows drawn and quickly started firing off our arrows without discretion.

  Anyone inside this lodge would be killed tonight.

  The first two arrows found their mark in the center of the room, settling nicely into the chest of the largest man in the room. The second, third, and fourth set of arrows hit different marks but hit them all the same. By the fifth set of arrows the rats had scurried forth with shields up, deflecting the arrows without issue.

  It didn't matter though as the damage had been done, two of the remaining five had fallen.

  I dropped my bow and grabbed my axe that was leaning against the doorway, meeting the two vanguard's charge axe-first.

  During the fracas Selene continued to pelt them with accuracy far greater than my own, landing arrow after arrow into the cracks of their defenses.

  The man in front of me was cut down by my axe while the man to my right fell to the ground with a half dozen arrows in his side, now the only one left was the champion.

  The champion was using a large sword and shield and towered over me at an impressive height of at least 6'6" and a minimum 265lbs. I was barely 6'1" with my thick-soled boots on and 205lbs on a good day.

  I swung my axe with reckless abandon; he outsized me, outweighed me, and out leveled me. I would need any advantage I could get because the rock of a man in front of me was not something to be trifled with.

  I broke into a furor as I continued swing after swing, knocking with a loud clash and clang on his shield and sword.

  Selene had tried to fire but it was impossible with our constantly shifting movements.

  My stamina was rapidly draining from the excessive swinging but I had no choice.

  I stopped for a second to catch my breath and was knocked nearly five feet back by his shield. I tried to recover but a sword slashed towards my face and all I could do was stumble back, rolling into a wooden log used as a stool.

  I was briefly stunned from the impact with the log and saw the lumbering giant make an agile leap and thrust towards me. I desperately rolled with my axe deflecting the sword but took a shield to the face that broke my nose and left my eyes watering.

  Vision blurry, I took a step back and just waved my axe in front of me like a wounded animal in its death throes. Selene saw an opportunity and launched a flurry of three arrows at the giant but two landed harmlessly in his shield.

  The third went into the man's tree trunk neck but he simply ignored it.

  I was in a bad situation and I wasn't sure of what to do.

  Three arrows hit him, two in the chest and one in the neck but he looked to be at around 83% health still. He had over eighty levels on me which meant his proficiencies were much higher even if we had equal Strength, Vitality, and Endurance stats.

  I doubted that we were even equal though.

  My vision cleared up just in time to see him use a [Downward Slash] that I parried with my axe only to get hit again by the shield on his left arm.

  I hadn't taken any real damage but my stamina bar was nearly depleted which was just as fatal.

  If I couldn't beat him physically in a one on one then I had to beat him mentally.

  I had to beat him magically.

  After his next attack came I jumped back as far as I could and hooked a burning log from the fire with my axe and flung it at the man.

  He raised his shield to block the log but it exploded in embers with smoke and ash temporarily blinding him. I quickly started casting a [Lightning Bolt] without a chant and as he raised his sword he was struck in the underarm by an arrow, a soft spot with deep penetration.

  He was staggered for but a moment, but it was all I wanted; it was all I needed.

  The spell had finished and I quickly yelled out "Lightning Bolt!" as the charged energy left my hands and instantly hit the chest of the man four feet in front of me.

  He took the hit yet still managed to move forward, only partially paralyzed due to his high resistance borne of willpower.

  It was enough though, as he couldn't raise his shield.

  Selene capitalized on this and landed two arrows into his neck and shoulder bringing him down to 44% remaining health. I jumped back once more and started casting another [Lightning Bolt] but he had wizened up and dropped his guard and charged with full force.

  Forced to cancel the spell I suffered rebound as my proficiency was too low and my hands went numb. All I could do was roll behind a log post as the giant swung his sword deep into the wood with a thwock.

  His sword was stuck.

  His sword was stuck!

  He was struggling to get his sword out and Selene landed another two arrows into his back. He was down to 33% remaining health and my hands had quickly recovered thanks to my 100% lightning affinity.

  I grasped for a weapon near my body as my axe had been lost and without looking could tell it was a spear.

  I immediately turned and thrust the spear at the champion but it was deflected by his shield as he grabbed a weapon off the floor as well. We both had spears but he had a shield.

  But I also had an archer and magic.

  I lunged at him, thrusting the spear as hard as I could towards the center of his body fully expecting him to block it but then I realized I had just run out of stamina.

  My blow landed weakly as my body gave out on me and the warrior in front of me didn't even bother to deflect the blow.

  He returned a thrust of his own which embedded itself deep into my upper chest, just missing my left shoulder and collarbone by an inch. I wanted to yell out in pain but there was no time, there was simply no time for distractions such as those.

  The giant of a man then pressed his weight down and the spear went all the way through me, skewering me like a piece of meat.

  I collapsed to my knees from the weight as I fumbled about, trying to clear my mind for even a split second to contemplate my next course of action.

  The champion saw no reason to give me that opportunity.

  Following the spear attack, the edge of his shield slammed down into my right collarbone, shattering it into pieces as I grunted and clenched my teeth in pain.

  I was yelling and screaming internally.

  The one sign something truly hurts is when I stop making noise.

  I grasped the spear with my left arm as I tried to squeeze the wood to relinquish my pain; the right arm limp at my side could not ease my discomfort.

  The man attempted to pull his spear out and I used the remaining strength I had to pull the spear's shaft down as he pulled back, snapping the head off from the pole.

  I was filthy angry now.

  My eyes were clouded with anger as the pain radiated throughout my body and I rushed at the man in front of me, grabbing his knees and bringing him to the ground.

  After that last [Lightning Bolt] my proficiency had increased enough to unlock [Arc Lightning], I didn't have the time to pay any attention to it in the middle of the fight but in the back of my mind I knew what it did.